Cats are so often seen as being offhand and disinterested. But there are quite a few affectionate cat breeds that can cuddle just as much as dogs. And there are few things nicer than having snuggles with a cuddly pussy cat!
Here are the 14 Most Affectionate Cat Breeds

These fluffy felines are really something special. Known to be real gentle giants, they’re often referred to as the dogs of the cat world thanks to the unique Maine Coon personality.

So if you’re a self-proclaimed dog person but looking to broaden your horizons, this will be your perfect transition to being a cat owner too.
Maine Coons are friendly, loveable, and very vocal. Their sizable bodies and heavy, double-layer long hair kept them well-protected against the brutal cold in Maine, which is the state they originated from.

With so much personality and love to give, you may soon find yourself leaning towards the Maine Coon breed.
Scottish Fold cats, named for their unusual folded ears and striking, yellowish-orange eye colors, these kitties just love to be around people and are very social. These easy-going cats have a great personality and get along with anyone. They don’t like being left alone.

As active mousers, Scottish fold cats are playful, sensitive, and expressive. These joyful felines have a habit of posing in odd positions – sitting upright as if they were a meerkat, lying flat on the floor, or on their backs with their paws in the air.

They are moderately active and enjoy toys that test their agility and challenge their intelligence, like puzzle toys. Scottish fold cats crave attention and make great companions, so expect to play with them when you get home from work or school.
Playful and friendly, with stunning blue eyes, the Ragdoll cat is a famously fun pet. Their most fascinating feature is their tendency to lie limp when you pick them up (as opposed to most cats, who squirm out of your hold as soon as they can). And they love being held. These affectionate companions will follow their owners from room to room.

Ragdoll cats are loyal, and often greet their humans at the door. They’re also great with dogs and children, making them perfect for families.

With a sweet and gentle temperament, Ragdolls are super relaxed with strangers and will seek a bit of love from everyone. This is one of the friendliest expensive cat breeds.
The Chartreux cat is known as one of the most polite breeds – not a word normally associated with cats! This is one kitty that doesn’t like to complain and will be not just your friend but a friend to any guests as well.

This still rather rare breed is a great option for a busy person who lives on their own or a busy couple/family. It likes to play but this desire generally comes in spurts. And this is a breed which is quite good at entertaining itself.

Your Abyssinian cat may well become your best friend. This high energy cats are always on and ready for fun. What they love most is being close to their owner so they will tend to be in whichever room that you are in.

This friendly cat breed is also known for its intelligence and its love of a good climb so be sure to give it a garden or a cat tower for playing. But most of all the Abyssinian loves its human family.

This sociable cat likes company so if you have a busy lifestyle it might be an idea to get another cat or pet to keep it company when you’re not there.
This adorable breed is characterised by its darker face which contrasts with a generally white body. The Birman’s bushy tail and paws are also usually dark as are the insides of their ears. All of this is offset by gorgeous blue eyes.

These affectionate and gentle cats were bred to be companions so they are happiest with human companion and spending time with their favourite humans.

They tend to be happiest when indoors and best suited to this type of lifestyle. Many owners find them so adorable they end up with a second Birman and this breed loves the company of other kitties as well as humans.
Siamese cats are one of the most adored and famous cat breeds. They are intelligent, talkative, and lovely natured felines, making ideal family pets.

These cats have unique short coats, with a light-colored body and silky smooth fur. Their face, paws, and tails are darker than the rest of their bodies. While they are great indoor cats, they seek companionship from their owners, including sitting on laps and snuggling in bed.

Siamese cats are often labeled as “dog-like” because they enjoy following their humans around and enjoy playtime, like fetch, so stock up on active cat toys. Although they are loving cats, this breed should not be left alone at home for extended periods.
This sleek black kitty has a short-haired coat that only sheds minimally. Like their ancestors, the Burmese, Bombay cats have almost no undercoat and require weekly brushing.
Bombay Cats look like mini black panthers and have black coats and piercing yellow eyes with medium-sized, muscular frames, rounded heads, and flat faces.
Bombay cats are flat-faced felines that love affection. They enjoy meeting and greeting you at the door and can get along well with other pets and children. These kitties are big softies, with personalities as soft as their coats.

You’ll often find them nestled at the top of their cat tree, having the ideal viewpoint of their world below.
These are playful kitties with natural curiosity and athleticism, so you should be able to keep them occupied with toys like cat balls. Like their ancestors, the Burmese, Bombay cats have almost no undercoat and require weekly brushing.

The Sphynx, one of the most recognizable cat breeds, is famous for its bald body. These medium-sized cats have a striking appearance with hairless, wrinkled skin and large ears.

Though Sphynx cats appear to look bald, they may be covered in a small amount of peach fuzz, giving them that velvety texture. However, they do require moderate grooming to care for their hairless bodies as they do not have fur to absorb natural oils their body produces.
As Sphynx cats don’t have fur they can get cold easily and tend to look to their favourite humans for warmth. They love a lap and to cuddle in bed at night.

What the Sphynx cat breed lacks in fur, they make up for in their personality. These hairless kitties are sociable, energetic, and love to play. The curious kitties are mischievous and are fond of teaser toys and puzzle toys to challenge them.
Persian cats are affectionate, docile, and gentle kitties. This breed has a quiet demeanor; they plop down on any soft surface and simply pose for your appreciation. These elegant cats are not very active, which makes them the perfect indoor pet.

Although affectionate, Persian cats are discriminative and reserve their attention for family and a few trusted guests.

This beautiful flat flaced cat breed does get along with children and other household pets; however, they aren’t fans of loud environments but rather serene homes where little changes.
This playful kitty maintains its playful instincts all of its life. They love to run, play fetch, answer the door, and more. Tonkinese cats are very social and much prefer company to being alone.

The Tonkinese breed is believed to have been brought to the UK in the early 1800s and called Chocolate Siamese. In the USA, the Tonkinese breed was developed from the Siamese and Burmese breeds to provide a more moderate breed and to have stunning aqua blue eyes.

This breed was developed in the 1960s and 1970s. These medium-sized cats can be quite strong and have short, silky hair.
The mischievous Devon Rex cat, also known as the pixie cat, is a loving and loyal feline breed. They make the ideal companions and welcome family and friends’ attention, as well as being great with kids and other pets.

This cat breed emerged in England during the late 1950s and is similar to the nearby Cornish Rex cat breed. Their large, oval-shaped eyes compete with their large ears for attention.
These felines are intelligent, active, and require regular stimulation. Devon Rex cats are jumpers, and their favorite place is at head level, so perches and cat trees should be provided.
The moderately active cat enjoys learning and playing fetch, so interactive toys will also help keep him occupied while you’re out earning money.

This indoor cat breed has slender bodies with long legs, large eyes, and high cheekbones. They shouldn’t be brushed as their fur is prone to breakage; instead, rub the Devon Rex cat gently with a cloth to keep them well-groomed, weekly.
With emerald-green eyes and a luxurious silvery coat, Russian Blues are a startlingly pretty breed. The Russian Blue is sweet-tempered and fine-featured, with long legs that allow it to run at high speeds.

Those green eyes are large, round, and wide-set. This is another cat breed that constantly looks like it is wide awake! Russian Blue cats are born with yellow eyes which turn green over time.
This expensive breed of cat really enjoys play and requires a good bit of attention when you get home. Although, they do enjoy napping in a quiet corner and tend to shy away from large groups.

The Burmese are friendly, personable, and kind kitties. With Siamese ancestors, these felines are playful and affectionate, but not clingy. Burmese cats often characterized as a “rock wrapped in silk” due to being much heavier than what they appear to be.

Their coats are short and silky and are low-maintenance, requiring a weekly brush or combing to remove dead hair.
Younger Burmese cats are curious and active, and as they get older, they become placid and prefer to watch rather than getting involved in activities. You’ll often see them sleeping on a windowsill or at the corner of a sofa, snagging the sunlight.
Burmese cats are excellent jumpers and climbers and should have cat perches or something to climb up on.
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